Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Hurricane Felix, Krukira, Nicaragua

Once we returned to Costa Rica we started making plans to go to Nicaragua to help the people who were affected by Hurricane Felix. We drove 8 hours to Managua and then had to take an 1 1/2 hour plane ride to Puerto Cabezas. We flew there on this Boeing 747!

This is a Moravian Pastor's house. Hundreds of Meskito Indians, mosty women and children took cover at this house it is only 1 of 3 concrete buildings in the area. They thought since it was concrete it would protect them. The hurricane was so strong that it knocked it down.

Tin was ripped off of an Indian house and bent around a tree.

A few precious ones that were also affected by the hurricane.
Not even the bathroom was safe from the hurricane.

Krukira, Nicaragua

  • Huricane Felix

  • September 4, 2007
  • Meskito Indians (some don't even speak Spanish)

  • Category 5 hurricane reserved for the most intense storms

  • 160 miles an hour

  • breaking waves over 20 feet

  • Hundreds died

  • Water wells undrinkable

  • Electric lines down

  • No help from the government

We were to go and assist the Meskito Indians on 2 trips in October. We were able to take over 13,ooo pounds of food, 2 brand new chain saws, water pumps, medicine, vitamins, the gospel and lots of love.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Youth Pastors

We are now the official Youth Pastors of our church Casa de Oracion de Birri. We have an awesome team of leaders. Luis, Janeth, Edgardo, Hellen, Josue (not in photo) and Karol. We have learned so much and have been inspired by our dear friends Pastors Ron and Christy John, that we asked them if we could use their same name Vital Connection. They said yes so we are Conexion Vital. We hope to be able to impart things into the young people that they have inparted in their youth.

Unfortunetly our youth group had dwendled down to 5 and while we were in the States it had been eliminated. Once we returned the Pastor asked us to take over. On October 26, 2007 the first meeting of Conexion Vital was held. We had leader meetings and prayed that we would have a lot of youth attend. There was a total of 64 our first meeting. Praise the Lord!