Sunday, December 31, 2006

December with the Herrera's

Holly, Dylon and Gabriel returned Decmber 5th and Rolando returned December 11th. As we celebrate the birth of Jesus we are reminded of those that he loves most. Rolando was able to go to Nicaragua December 14th. He was able to help with the Christmas parties for the 2 feeding programs in Masaya and Managua, Nicaragua. In Managua we fed some 100 kids and gave them presents, happy meals from mcDonalds and did a pinata. In Mayasa we were able to do same activity with some 150 kids. The kids were so blessed with all the goodies they received. A special thanks to Joyce Meyer Ministries for helping make this activity possible. While Rolando was in nicaragua, Holly was back in Costa Rica preparing for the activity there. Holly along with our Costa Rican team of (6) plus 2 nurses from MO (thanks, Jesse and Lynn) were wrapping presents and getting the agenda ready for the Christmas party for 160 kids.

Christmas in La Carpio

Last Christmas we were able to celebrate with kids in La Candela. This year God has moved us to a new place, La Carpio. We have just celebrated 7 months in our new feeding program. We invited 160 kids that attend the feeding program to come and celebrate teh birth of Jesus with us. We sang songs, colored Christmas pictures, played games, smashed pinatas (3, 1 for each group), gave the kids apples, candy, toys, drinks and each a happy meal. I am not sure who had more fun us or them. A special thanks to Joyce Meyer Ministries for sponsoring the party.