Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Trip to El Salvador

The trip to El Salvador was a great trip. Thanks to God we were able to visit all the prisons and preach the word of God. In this particular prison all of these prisoners used to be in gangs, but have decided to renounce their gangs. These prisoners cannot be transferred to other prisons because their ex-gang members could kill them for leaving the gang.

Sonsonate Center

This is the director of the Sonsonate Center showing us some of the weapons that the prisoners had made themselves inside the prison.

San Miquel Prison

This is the prison in San Miguel. In this prison I had the opportunity to preach and to translate. This actually was my favorite prison too. I felt like there was such a big need spiritually for the inmates. It was very neat when it was time for prayer that many received Jesus. I felt power coming from above at the moment that the prisoners prayed.

Matthew 26:36; I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me...39; When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you? 40; "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'

El Salvador

And like that in a lot of these prisons the Holy Spirit was always with us, the blessings were very big. In each prison there were always some with hearts like a rock that didn't want anything to do with the gospel, but there is power in prayer and we need to continue to pray for young people like these....That Jesus Christ will change their lives.
This is just a small part of what was a great activity full of blessings and testimonies. A special thank you for the people that were praying for us and the activity. Also to Joyce Meyer Ministries for letting us be a part of this activity. May God continue to bless those that make this type of activity posible.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

God is good!

Dylon got his blue bicycle that he wanted. God is good!

Dylon loves going to La Candela too. Here is a picture of Dylon and his best bud Manuel and his sister.

"Making Smiles"

We are still Making Smiles every week. Making Smiles is our weekly feeding program. We go to a squatters area called La Candela where we feed anywhere from 75-150 kids each week. The kids come each week to be fed physically and spiritually. We play games, sing songs about Jesus, learn scriptures, eat lunch and have a great time.

"Making Smiles" in the squatters area called La Candela.

Rolando, Holly & Dylon...

We wanted to send a picture of the three of us since it will probably be the last one. Baby Herrera #2 is due very soon. Holly is 36 weeks pregnant now and is doing good. Rolando and Dylon are very excited about the posibility of another boy. We will keep you posted on the news about the new baby.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Fiesta de Navidad en La Candela

Christmas party in La Candela

He was so excited about his gift and happy meal he held it tight and close so no one could take it away from him.

We had a wonderful time with the kids at the Christmas party. We invited 100 kids to come and celebrate the birth of Jesus with us. We sang songs, played games and talked about the true meaning of Christmas. We were able to give out 100 "happy meals" from McDonalds. Talk about be a "happy meal" there were a lot of kids in this squatters area who had ever even had McDonalds before. One young boy didn't even open his box. We asked him why he didn't start eating, he said his parents had never had McDonalds either and he wanted to share it with them. The day was a great success; the name of Jesus was lifted up, 100 children were fed and hearts were blessed.