Friday, May 29, 2009

Feeding the kids in La Carpio

The feeding program is doing really good, the kids get realy excited when it's food time

Nothing like hanging out with friends enjoying the food after the feeding program

All the kids are put together in one room, next month we will be in 3 different groups. It will be so much easier to team them that way.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Dylon turns 7

We celebrated Dylon's 7th birthday

He had so much fun with his friends

Gabriel tried to blow out the candles too, always wants to do what big brother does

Friday, April 24, 2009

Guapiles, Costa Rica

Translating for Pastor Terry in Guapiles

We visited Pastor Angelo and Digna

Pastors Terry and Patty House from Victory Church in Pevely, MO

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Conexion Vital

We organized a trip for the youth. While us girls got the food ready...

the guys were playing...

It was a great time to bring the group closer together

We had more fun than we expected to

Gabriel turns 3...

Gabriel turned 3 on April 10th.

He was so excited to open his gifts...
especially excited about his "big boy" bike, now he can try to keep up with Dylon. Thank you Beta & Nena and Grandma & Papa

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Ministering at other youth groups

We were invited to minister at another youth group in Heredia.

We brought our youth band with us, they did an awesome job
Some of the youth we ministered to.
Us girls, Jinneth (assoc. youth pastor) Hellen (youth leader) and Holly.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Feeding the kids

We have been trying to separate the kids at the feeding program into 3 groups, by ages.

The hearts...

The smiley faces...

The stars...

We are believing for more room. It is very hard to teach them while they are all together. We are trying to talk louder than the next group. There are so many kids, that is a blessing though.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Christmas Party Video

To see more of the Christmas party in La Carpio, check out our video

navidad 08 carpio 12:11pm
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